You and your friends are expendable……WTF?

You and your friends are expendable……WTF?


Have you ever been to told that you are expendable along with the rest of your colleagues and friends at work.


How about if your boss has ever told to to choose between your J.O.B. and your family, or when your spouse is going through radiation treatment for cancer you J.O.B. cuts you off taking away your salary, medical benefits with a 2 days notice.


Don’t wait for something like that happen to you in order to start looking for something else, and by all means do not think that it will never happen to ya.


If you were already considering looking for alternatives, you may find ours very appealing while you watch the video.


As you can see we are on a yacht in Miami living the lifestyle along with other top leaders on a weekend mastermind all paid by the company, how cool is that!


We are here to help mentor you and guide you to a better life, you and your family deserve it, let us show you!


Click on this sexy link below to find out more, you will be inspired!


Prosperity Team

Make It a Great Day!


Prosperity Team

Allen & Liz Grindstaff


Skype: allengrindstaff




Work With Us – To Your Prosperity

Too busy and My Life changed

Too busy and My Life changed

I was too busy Working for a company that I thought I had a secure job since they have benefits, and they pay you so you can pay your utilities, food, etc. I was working paycheck to paycheck, and I though that was OK.

No time for my self, my family or my husban

Until one day everything change…

I got sick not knowing what was going on with me, I went through several Doctor’s until one of them refer me to an Orthopedic, they did x ray and went to see the Dr. for the results and he told me that what he sees is not good and that was not his area of expertice and he refer me to another DR, which is in Tampa, FL. They order a bunch of test, went thru all scan. MRI, Ct scan, body scan etc…   then results were in.

I Went to the Dr with my husband  for results, and he told me that I have Stage 4 Breast Cancer metatatic to the bone.  They have to perform a hip replacement and reconstruction.

 I started to cry….  the news hit me so hard that I thought I was sincking like a rock when you throw it into the water…..

The Dr said that they need to do it and also start the treatments. 

They did, I went to surgery they did a hip replacement on my left side, went to radiation and as of now still with treatments. Hormonal chemo.

Then in the middle of my recovery I received a call from the company I use to work for to let me go but you can apply any time, they do it because is what’s best for business.  That’s kind like merry christmas to me I told her and then hang up. I was upset no job, no health care, but then it hit me. I said this is not worth it, they can replace you at anytime and doesn’t matter what company you work with. I learn in this journey of my life that you cannot take anything for granted and you have to enjoy life as the fullest. 

So now I’m going to help my husband to work from home, another chapter of life has turn and a new beginning is starting now, is not going to be easy as is, I have to pay my hospital bills since this treatments aren’t cheap.  

Now I want to have time for me, my family, my husband he is been wonderful and make me stronger than ever and thank God to let me see the true meaning of life.

So join us . We will like to help you build a business so you can also have time and freedom that most companies will not let you do.  How cool it would be to not have a dress code ???

Liz Grindstaff

“Building a Business while having a life…”



$168,158 in 10 days while on vacation…

$168,158 in 10 days while on vacation... Sent Thursday, August 23, 2012


Sometimes, you can have a life changing
…when you realize something, make a 
decision, and all of the sudden – everything
in your life instantly changes.
I’ve been gone for the last 10 days, hanging
out in an exotic retreat in Guanacaste Costa
Rica (about an hour from home) with 100
or so marketing badasses from all over the
…while there, I got to learn some secrets
that normally don’t get talked about, connect
with our leaders and build a new vision, and
hear some incredible success stories.
For example – something I don’t talk about
a lot, is a side affect from a mentoring program
I have called ‘The Inner Circle‘ where we break
down the structure of marketing magic in a way
that’s easy to understand…
…as a side affect, I don’t know if you’ve ever
had a moment in life where you realize something,
make a decision, and have a transformation in
your life.
Scott made a decision that saved his life.
While David Sharpe was training, my brother Aki
pulled me aside, and told me about a guy in the
audience (scott) who LITERALLY said that
the Inner Circle saved his life.
I wanted to hear his story, so I brought him down.
He had written his story down on a napkin, and
as he talked, he was looking down, visibly shaking…
…he shared a story about how he was driving down
the road with stolen medical supplies, headed towards
his home where he was going to take his own life.
Then all of a sudden, traffic stopped.
Stuck behind a mile of honking cars, Scott realized that
he couldn’t kill himself on the freeway, so he turned
on an audio training from the Inner Circle, and heard
…that didn’t change his life – it saved it.
What he learned was the secret.
The same secret you can learn.

He turned the medical supplies back in, and made
a decision – a new decision – that he was not only
worthy of greatness…
…that he’s going to take action, now.
As he shared the secret, and how it had saved his
life, 100 people rose to their feet, on the ocean
side of Costa Rica, roaring with applause…
…not at what they had just learned – at the story
of victory from this man – who at the brink of
suicide, rose from the ashes – and now…
…you can, too.
When you make a decision, and take massive
action, and you have clarity of purpose…
…there’s only one thing that can stop you:
And that’s if your plan doesn’t work in the
way that you want it to.
I realized something, in an instant – while walking
through the mountains a little over a year ago.
I realized that the plan was broken.
I realized that GOOD PEOPLE were trying to
make money online, had an action plan…
…and it wasn’t working.
I realized that people weren’t getting rich following
the way of the Gurus, and that something had to
change, now, and…
…a year later, after realizing this and being gone for
10 days – not even sending an email…
…I made $168,158 in 10 days while on vacation –
hanging out with the richest team I’ve ever met
in Network Marketing.
These are not Gurus.
They don’t even do product launches.
They don’t run around managing 1,000 websites.
None of them even understand technology.
The best part?
Any single person in my team can out earn me – I’m
just leading by example.
What does $168,158 in 10 days while on vacation
mean to you?
* I’m not talking about sales, I’m talking about income
as an affiliate, from my personal account – selling my
own stuff, just like I teach you to do…
So what does it mean?
It means that finally you have a plan that’s working.
It means that finally you can get the results that you want.
It means that if you make a decision, and get all in,
you can change your life in a moment.
It means that you can travel with us to exotic locations,
and live the life of your dreams…
…it means:
It’s YOUR TURN now.
You, like Scott, can learn the secret.
It’s your turn now.
It’s time to take action, make a decision, and
get the results that you want.
It’s time to break through.
Let’s lock arms, and fight the forces of evil.
Get in, now, by clicking this…
-David Wood
the Guru Slayer
P.S.  If you’re in – you can meet me live in San
Diego next month.  Just login, and click the link
that says ‘Do you hate evil’.
I’ll see you there.